Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Organizing and Making Decisions

Well today I put the 2 boxes I got on Saturday for organizing to use. The little one holds the paint brushes I have and all the little porch balusters, steps, door and window frames and the little trim, most of which is plywood which will have to be sanded before painting. The big box holds the rest of the roof pieces, the attic floor and the wall dividers. It also has the bag of shingles in there, the paper I want to use for wallpapers and the printed plastic pieces for the windows and door.

The making decisions part comes with that some of the trim and molding pieces that came in the kit are broken, my kids found them one day and used them as swords, and now I need to see if I can find replacement pieces or similar pieces to replace them. Oh well, my contractor (aka my dad) and I will figure it out. I just need to go get a bigger box for those pieces since the one I got isn't long enough...another trip to Target, maybe I'll also get a box for paint and unused paint brushes too.

Time to get back to the real world and finish making soup for dinner.