Monday, February 28, 2011

A Step toward Organizing

Well on Saturday I went to Target and yippee they had plastic totes on sale. I got two clear ones with purple latch handles to start organizing the trim and other pieces to finish the Bayberry with. They also had these cute little St. Patty's Day wreaths, large and small, out. My immediate thought when I saw the small one was to take off the shiny light green balls and use them as shiny green apples in the kitchen. So now I hope they will be there later and go on clearance, or I guess I can check what is on sale at Hobby Lobby. Hope to get there tonight to pick up the white paint. Not happy with the pics I took, but will post them.
These are the wood sticks I painted with the paint colors. The top blue stick is the Oxford Blue Flat Interior Latex paint by Glidden. The middle stick is the Bayberry Green Folk Art Acrylic paint. The bottom stick is the Shady Blue Flat Interior Latex paint by Glidden. For some reason when the pic came out really dark, they look much better in person and the Bayberry Green looks nice with the Oxford Blue.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Color Choices

Didn't post yesterday, the pictures I took didn't turn out the best. But getting to see the Bayberry Green next to the Oxford Blue was a good idea. I took the big craft sticks, the one that look like tongue depressors from the doctor, and painted them in the colors I had. I think the green will look good as accent pieces and now I need to go get some white paint. I'm thinking the Wicker White from Folk Art Acrylic paints. It comes in the big bottle too, which will be helpful.

I do have five of the wood Michael Hutches, which I plan to use in various forms in the house. I want to go get some more, but will hold off on another trip to Bellevue where the Michael's store is. I already know one of the hutches will go in the bathroom to hold towels and bath items. One will go in the kitchen to hold bottles of herbs and other items to make natural beauty treatments, which is how my little woman who lives in the house will make her money. I want another hutch to also hold different cook books for her.

Now on to the real world, going to the circus tonight with my kids and the rest of my family

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My First Post

This is my first posting of my first blog. I am excited and a bit apprehensive as I am not sure what to expect. This blog is to help keep me on track with fiishing my first dollhouse. I received the Dura-Craft Bayberry Cottage for Christmas 2001 from my grandparents, but have always wanted a dollhouse since I was a little girl. One of my friends had a dollhouse and I loved playing with it when I went over to her house, and one of my favorite attractions at the Omaha Children's Museum before they got revamped was this antique dollhosue they had in a glass case. I always wanted one and was so happy to finally get my dollhouse.

After getting it, my dad and I got the shell painted and built. The outside of the house is painted Oxford Blue by Glidden Paints. I know they are a house paint, but I had no idea that I could use acrylic paints, so I went to the local Home Depot and bought paint. I am planning to finish the trim and accent details on the outside in white and Bayberry Green by Folk Art acrylic paint. There are five rooms in the house and the plans are for living room, kitchen/dining room, bedroom, bathroom and a sacred space/meditation room as the occupant of my house is pagan like me. The living room will be blue in color; the kitchen/dining room will be a light green with white and natural light wood colors; the bedroom is going to be purple (my favorite color, so one room had to be this color); the bathroom is going to be a light pink color; and sacred space/meditation room will be natural wood with green, purple and maybe blue.

Well that is my ideas for now. Tomorrow I will post pictures of the house, wallpaper, paint, and some minis I have.